Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jam Packed Last Days!! 29.12.12

aww man only one more sleep till i hop on a plane back to Aus! oh nu :'c

I havent had a proper rest today.. at all.
So when i got home after my granddads sashimi dinner, i stayed up to wait for mary to come home who was out on some company party (these things are compulsory.. the managers like full force you to drink)
When mary finally came home, half drunk and half crazy, it was around 3am! And from as soon as she got home, we (yes WE) had to write her thesis cause she had to hand it in for a progress mark or smth and get it signed for a pass!

I atually wrote quite a bit and if you read her thesis, theres my stuff in it!! heheoeyeoh 8)
We SOMEHOW managed to get it all done by 6am and we had to leave to go get it printed all proffessionally then hand it into her professor.
By then i was like half dead.. and had a power nap at the printing place before we headed off to get it signed off!

They were all meeting at Jamsil (where lotte world is) so while Mary was getting her thesis signed, i napped at lotte world plaza for about an hour. Then we had to head off to have lunch with my relos on my mums side! this was arond 10.

omg such a hektik morning @@

But it was all worth it! My granddad bought us STeamed CHicken Stew!!! so good zomgsh

mmm mm mm massive plate of chickenn!!

So we stayed at my grandparents and just talked for hours with my favorite uncle again :D
It was really nice! omgsh gonna miss them so much :'( :'(
Then it was time for us to leave.... garh so sad! BUT ILL BE BACK SOON! SO YAY FOR THAT!


So tonight was the night... the night where i finally got to eat LIVE SQUID! (well technically its petrified squid cause they just cut it all up and its still moves for like 15 minutes)

me and my sister trekked it to this really famous and expensive squid place where they sold all sorts of wasky squid dishes!

SUch a cute logo for such a cruel and deadly house @@

as per usual, we got our awesome side dishes (these were so good o.o we got refills of like everything :L)



me busily eating away 8)

lol it was sticking to my lips :L 

then she ended up eating most of it haha! we legends 8)

Heres a few videos of our awesome moving squid! word of warning!! IF UR SQUEAMISH DONT WATCH!

It took us so long to finish it cause you have to chew like crazy so it doesnt kill you...

we demolished everythingggg! it was so good!

After our satisfying and exciting meal, we walked back out and found the tank where they keep the squid before they chop em all up! ..
we were full putting on funny voices going "we ate your brotherrrs heyeoheyoeh"... we have no souls @@ think we were drunk on yummyness 8)
sorry mr squid .. but you guys are just too yummy ...



Then after dinner, we decided to go relax at jjimjilbang since last time i went by myself which was no fun :C

YAY no more forever arone!
lol but it was so awkward and we had to go in with like special action plans and schedules so we didnt have to see each other naked @@
I worked! and i literally slept in the 39.4 degree bath for like an hour :D think that was kinda dangerous but OH WELL! it was soo relaxing. and i looked like a dumpling afterwards 8)

Then after bath, i decided to use one of those hardcore exfoliator things and gritted my teeth and scrubbed allll my skin off :L
But tbh, it felt really refreshing and so clean! I think i turned a few shades lighter afterwards :L im like covered in soft new skin now hehehe 8)


THen after washing and scrubbing, we went to rest at the jimjil area :D

hehe we brought cucumbers from home so we could do cucumber facials heheh

sah hot.

i ended up picking all of mine off my face and eating them after 5 minutes... :3 mm salty LOL dw dw my face is like super clean from the hardcore exfoliation!

i made our awesome ram towel hats!

we got these special eggs cooked in some special thing here in the bath house..
have no idea what but they tasted amazeballs.

we tried cracking the eggs on each others head but only 1 cracked.. the others hurt like crazy and i think we both have massive bruises on our skulls now @@

then we also got Shikhae! which is this really traditional ice rice drink :D must get one if you ever go! so good!
we look very happy hehe

luvos with the delicious eggs 8)

just resting :D

it has been a pretty awesome and memorable last few days in korea!

We decided to leave at around 1am cause it was too loud at the jimjil area for anyone to sleep @@

So now its 2:20am and im leaving in less than 24 hours :c

but it snowed shitloads today! so maybe my flight will be delayed and ill get to hang out a little more with my sister! .. unless they tell me its delayed once im inside the boarding area place thing like last time @@ urgh trapped obama self...

Ngaw, im leaving today...thats so sadd... i wish i could have stayed for longer :C korea has been awesome and ive really gotten attached to this busy lifestyle and pushy strangers :L Ive had so much fun just wandering around, being a tourist by myself! and it was so awesome to meet all my relatives, especially my sister! going to miss you lots pooface :D thanks for hanging out with me even though you had your massive thesis to do! <3 

But ill be back soon Korea!! and who knows, maybe if i study real hard, ill get to transfer to a korean uni like my sister and get to live here for a few years! :O
we'll seeeee!!

MM but yay im coming home guysss! please dont call me out or make any special plans for the next 2 weeks cause im not going to be able to fit through my front door (i weighed myself today and zomg i actually gained 4 kilos in 3 weeks.. is that even possibru?????) sigh.. shall try lose all this holiday weight and finally bask in some aussie summer sun without looking like a beached whale! :D

see you guys soon! xx


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