Friday, December 21, 2012

Falling Snow!! 21.12.12

 Today i decided to go to Myeong-dong again to take some photos and do a little more shopping.

Streets of Myeong dong. Crap loads of shops

It was so cold... It was like half raining ==

 Then i went for a pitstop at Dunkin Donuts where i found this adorable little christmas tree  bread thing! :D .. i had to get it.
Green tea with Christmas tree. It was so sweet :x

LUVO WITH HAIR.. i think the lady cut a front fringe but ive been trying to sweep it to the side... hm. ill try experiment with it cause i look like a bum atm. :/

While I was enjoying my little breakfast (very healthy i know) and leeching some wifi, little specks of white started floating down outside the window!! OMGUGFUH IT WAS SNOWINGGGG!!
I literally ran outside and just skipped around in the snow (it was probably acid snow ==) but oh well!


It snowed so much o.o it felt like i was walking in a blizzard! And soon the streets were white with soft snow! not like the icy snow i saw during my first few days here but actual snow snow!



All this excitement made me hungry so i went to this famous ttonkatsu shop.

wasnt as good as alrose :p

After some shopping and wandering around i decided to head back home. The road back to my uncles place was sooo pretty! Every dead tree looked like it had just jumped out from a winter wonderland fairytale!

more luvos :D 

OMegosh it was so cold i had to take another pitstop at another Cafe. @.@
You know not to leech net or anything.. hehe

Green tea again. My cup has eyes! :L

Almost forgot its christmas real soon o.o

On the ground level of my Uncles apt, theres this kids play area that was buried in snow! I spent like 2 hours just playing there by myself...

At first i was really cautious of passer bys cause i didnt want to embarass myself too much...


marking my territory in fresh snow 8) yeh all my footprints ruined it.. im so unco ==

DDONG! forgot to rotate :/

But then little by little i started going all out and just let my inner child run free 8)

Tried making a snowman but i had no gloves and my hands were dying so i only made one layer lol. MY SNOWMAN TURNED INTO VOLDEMORT .... WITH ANTLERS..

Made my first proper snow angel! I looked like such a weirdo doing this hahah


so pretty...

I found this really pretty bench area with fresh snow and all i could think of was our Bench Group.

Bench! :)

I know we're not the kind of group that reallly does things or says stuff and this year has been especially rough on all of us. After all that happened this year, I really thought i didnt care what happened to our group anymore and that all our ties were broken but i realised today that the Bench really defines me and we all belong to it whether we like it or not. We've unintentionally made strong bonds between each of us and its actually sad to see us slowly crumble apart.  
Its almost the end of the year which means we can put all our issues behind us and start over. Yay? 
It doesnt matter if nothing changes and we remain as a frigid little bunch of nerdy kids who eat lunch together on the broken bench :p As long as we can clear the tension and become the BenchBuddies we used to be back in year 7. Scarily enough, we only have one more year left until this is all gone. Lets end our highschool years on a positive note and create our final memories together that will last us a lifetime :D


1 comment:

  1. kerry whenever i feel disconnected with my group i always looked to your group as motivation. its sorta sad hearing what you have said but i know youguys will hold together! :)
